I am writing this to women but it could be adapted to a man with the use of a little imagination on his part.
We all know women who have that “special glow.” They can walk in a room and people feel better. People are drawn to these women like bees to a flower; attracted by their joyous attitudes and loving smiles. These women are not party girls nor are they necessarily beautiful. Such women are often quiet and you would not look twice at them in a crowd. But there is something that draws you to these kind of women. They warm your heart—make you feel better about life. These women embrace life with their whole hearts—with passion!
Ask yourself: Am I a woman of passion? Do I embrace life with my whole heart? Do I love God with all of my being? Or, do I hang back, lukewarm and afraid to fully commit myself to the adventure of living? Here are some ways you can embrace life and cultivate passion:
1) Appreciate life itself. Enjoy the details of God’s Creation. Rejoice in the small things as well as the large. Look around you and see how amazing and wondrous life is.
2) Seek out new experiences. Live your life as an adventure—never let it become a routine chore. Always be open to learning something new.
3) Be active, not passive. Don’t sit around and let life pass you by. Join in. Don’t sit back and complain. Get up out of your chair and play. Try an experiment. See if you can go 24 hours without complaining. Then, make a gratitude list with the title “I Am Thankful For…”on a sheet of paper with three headings underneath the title and across the top: “Things,” “People,” “Other.” List what you are thankful for as they apply to each heading. After you have made your list, read it four times in a twenty-four hour period. Really try to sense the gratitude you should feel for all that you have.
4) Cultivate beauty. Plant a garden. Put flowers on your kitchen table. Buy something you consider lovely and wear it proudly. Go to a museum or and art gallery. Take up a new hobby such as painting or quilting. Create beauty as well as enjoying it.
5) Reach out to others. Smile often. Get to know people who are different from you . Appreciate and enjoy their differences. Really listen when you are in a conversation. Give each person your full attention—including your children and your husband. Show affection. Be encouraging.
6) Add spice and color to your days. Try new foods, new recipes from exotic places. Learn new forms of exercise. Get in touch with your body. Stretch your body. Break up your routine. Surprise your husband by planning a date. Give him a gift for no occasion— “just because….” Be spontaneous and do something fun on the spur of the moment.
7) Lighten up. In other words cultivate your sense of humor. Laugh more. Take to heart the biblical command to “Rejoice in the Lord always.”
8) Share your blessings with others.
9) Never be afraid to be passionate about your faith. Love God with your whole heart, mind, body, and spirit. He will be your never-failing source of passion and zest for life.
Here are just a few things you might consider doing: 1) Sign up for a class in a subject that intrigues you. 2) Create a new recipe. 3) Try a new restaurant or order a new dish the next time you go out to eat. 4) Throw a party for all your friends—just to celebrate life. 5) Read a travel book or adventure story. 6) Plan a trip to an exotic locale that you would love to see.
How will doing any or all of the above apply to strengthening your family? Well, let me just say, “If mamma ain’t happy there ain’t nobody goin’ to be happy.” Or as my husband says, “Happy wife, happy life.” Or, “When your cup is full, you can better share with others.” (Please note that some of my thoughts come from inspiration from a little book entitled, “Checklist for Life For Women, pp. 158-160)
I had a friend express to me once what a patient person I was. I was blown
away. Did she not see me at the grocery while I grinned and bore a
screaming chi...
9 years ago
1 comment:
What a beautiful post! -I love your blog.
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