Thursday, April 2, 2009

Feathers in the Wind

I am not sorry for my April Fools story yesterday. But I am sad that Rachael has felt so badly that there were so many that became alarmed when she said I had been taken by the CIA. She has been ill ever since. I just returned from a bridal shower and Sisters from my Relief Society expressed they were glad to see me because they had not gotten the rest of the story or only parts of some of the story and so there was much confusion. It is amazing how words, like feathers scattered in the wind, really are hard to re-gather. I hope if someone comes up to me and asks me how things went with the CIA, that I will remember the story and be able to clear things up. Rachael doesn't think it's a story we will forget any time soon, but I fear with my memory of late, that I will forget the details. I guess that's the blessing of getting a wee bit older; forgetfulness helps ease the worries and anxieties that were forever on the forefront of my mind when I was younger. One thing's for sure, I am still not too old to learn or be reminded of some of life's lessons.

1 comment:

Kylee Clark said...

Lori I am glad you are ok, :)
It is kind of funny to me that so many people thought it was true and got angry at you guys. I guess some people were not aware of the date. I have to laugh because yes it was a good little joke that you two played.But at the same time i thought no way would Lori Bennett every do anything that the CIA would question. I am sorry it caused a big deal. But time goes on and everyone will look back on it and laugh just like you and Rach. did.