Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fear of Disappointing

Rachael has been at me for days to start blogging. I do not see the sense and told her so. I have thought that blogging would be just another time-waster. Rachael knows that one of my weaknesses is "journals." Or at least I think she does. At any rate she told me that blogging is like keeping a journal. To prove it she had me go to my niece's(Nicole) blog spot. I had a good time laughing and feeling what Nicole goes through as a mother and even made the comment that these articles and pictures are priceless. I said to Rachael as we read some of Nicole's stories, that Nicole will treasure these in years to come. So, perhaps I will try to do some blogging. I am not sure I can do the site justice for visiting it; but I will try my hand at it. I will still keep a hand-written journal, however, because I just do not trust that computers will always be available and I would hate to loose anything as precious as what Rachael, Nicole, Michelle, Kim, or all the other have put on their blogs spots that I look forward to reading. Wish me faith. I need it.


R Fitz said...

I am so excited tha tyou blogged!!! I hope you continue to do so. I love you Mom! thanks for all that you do for me and everyone else.

Kylee Clark said...

Yeah I am excited that you are going to blog more, I often look to see if you have updated it. I think your great! and can't wait to read more about what going on with you :0)

I have a blog also if you would like to look at it,

Its blocked so i would need your email so i can add you. Just send me a little note on facebook and I will add ya

Kylee ( terry )

7packofbearss said...

I am flattered that you would be at all inspired by the craziness of my blog. Most of the time I am either venting or documenting silly things my kids do. I am a horrible journal keeper but I have done better knowing other people are expecting something new to be there. And I don't think blogs can be disappointing unless it is because the author never posts.