I thought it would be fun to see if anyone could guess who said all of the following quotes. The same person said them all and I think he or she pretty much says it all about how I feel about the home, too.
"I look upon the home as the basis from which radiate all good influences. If, in every home in the land, there were a competent father and a helpful mother, our officers of the law would have much less to do in protecting society from the lawless."
"Homes are made permanent through love. Though you neglect some of your business, though you neglect some of your cattle, though you fail to produce full crops, study to hold your children's love."
"In every well-ordered home in the Church, the glad free spirit of childhood is led to honor its country and to worship its God; and every man sees in the home the nucleus of eternal companionship and everlasting life."
"The relationship of the children to the parents should be one which would enable those children to carry out ideal citizenship as they become related to the neighborhood, the Church, and to the larger forms of society. Be extremely careful of those activities which require you to be away from your small children. The secret of good citizenship lies in the home. The secret of instilling faith in God, faith in his Son, the Redeemer of the world, faith in the organizations of the Church, lies in the home. There it is centered."
"The home is truly the basic unit of society, and parenthood is next to Godhead. Let us see that our home is such that if an angel called, he would be pleased to remain."
"In no better way can high achievement in life be better realized than in excelling in the art of home building. In that kind of home we may experience on earth a taste of heaven."
"Would you have a strong and virile nation?--then keep your homes pure. Would you reduce delinquency and crime?--lessen the number of broken homes. It is time that civilized peoples realize that the home largely determines whether children shall be of high or low character. Home-building, therefore, should be the paramount purpose of parents and of the nation. The secret of good citizenship lies in the home."
"I praise God for the instructions he has given his people regarding the sacredness, the sanctity, and permanence of the family relationship and the home. We are living in a most momentous age. We see on every hand manifestations of commotion. The world seemingly is stirred as it has never been stirred before. In the midst of this world of confusion, the home, the fundamental institution of society, is also threatened. One of the highest ideals of life is to keep secure and free from sorrow the homes of the Church and of the nation."
I am making this a contest. In "comments" tell me who you think said all of the above quotes. If you guess correctly and if more than one person guesses correctly, I will put you name in a drawing and give you a game if your name is chosen. Of course, you will need to identify yourself and give me information so that I can get the game to you. Have fun.
I had a friend express to me once what a patient person I was. I was blown
away. Did she not see me at the grocery while I grinned and bore a
screaming chi...
9 years ago
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