1) To what organizations have you belonged? List those important to you.
2) What community projects have you worked on? What volunteer work have you ever done?
3) Did you ever make a float for a parade? Were you ever in a parade?
4) To what political party have you belonged? Why? Have you been actively involved in politics? (campaigning, candidate, supporter, etc.)
5) Tell about your health. Have you ever been hospitalized? Why? Did you ever have to use crutches or a wheelchair? What illnesses have you had? Do you wear glasses or a hearing aid? When did you begin to wear them? Do you have any ailments now? Explain.
6) What was your first full-time job? How much did you earn? What were your responsibilities?
7) What other employment have you had? Whom did you work for and for how long? What were your responsibilities? What work have you liked best? Are you retired? When? Was it a big adjustment?
8) Have you had any hobbies? What are they? Do you have any collections (stamps, coins, rocks, embroidery, etc.)?
9) Have you traveled? How many states have you been in? Countries? Have you been on a ship, plane, train, bus? Explain. What was the biggest rip taken as an adult? When, where, and with whom?
10) Have you ever met anyone famous? Tell about it.
11) What moments do you remember most? Tell about one of your sad/happy times. Tell about your most embarrassing moments. What was one of your proudest times? When were you the most frightened? What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
12) Have you ever seen or been in a disaster? What kind? When? Where? Have you ever been in a flood? Fire? Hurricane? Car accident?
13) Have you ever served in the military or been involved in wartime service? What kind? When and where?
14) What do you do with your time now? What do you want to accomplish before your life is over?
15) Have you lived through historical events? Tell about some of them-first man on the moon, Kennedy assassination, Pearl Harbor, The Cold War, WWII, Berlin Wall built and torn down, the Depressions, major inventions developed, etc.
1) What are your children’s names? When and where were they born? Tell about it and how you felt when you found out. How did you choose their names? Are any of the names “family names” passed from one generation to the next?
2) What was each child like as a baby? Cute? Cranky? Did he/she ever get spanked? 3) What chores did she/he have to do? Did you give him/her an allowance? Did he/she behave in school? What grades? What did he/she like to do best? Did he/she keep a clean room? Did he/she do something special to surprise you?
3)What are some of your favorite memories of your family life when your children were growing up?
4) In what ways did you raise your children as you had been raised? In what ways did you raise them differently?
5) What has been most difficult or trying for you as a parent? What was the least difficult?
6) How did you feel when all your children left home?
7) Do you worry about your children?
8) Do you have any grandchildren? How many? How did you feel when you found out you were going to be a grandparent for the first time? How did you find out? How many great-grandchildren do you have? What do you like best about being a grandparent?
1) Do you believe in God? Why?
2) To what religion do you belong? Do you go to church regularly? What is it like in your church? What do they teach you? Are you a teacher?
3) Were you baptized? How, when where? Tell about it.
4) Have you ever gone on a mission? Where? Tell about it.
5) Have you ever had any spiritual experiences? Tell about them.
6) Do you believe in life after death? Are you afraid to die?
7) Write your testimony of your religious beliefs.
8) What are some of your favorite scriptures and quotes?
9) What are some of your favorite books?
10) As you look back, do you have any favorite years? What made them so special? Is there a time you would like to live over?
11) What do you value most in a friend? Who are some of your dearest friends? Tell about them.
12) What issues or causes have you felt strongly about?
13) In times of trouble, who or what has helped you pull through?
14) What major happenings in the world have affected your life most?
15) How do you feel about the future?
16) What advice can you give?
17) What is your creed for living a good life?
President Spencer W. Kimball said: “I urge all of the people of this church to give serious attention to their family histories, to encourage their parents and grandparents to write their journals, and let no family go into eternity without having left their memoirs for their children, their grandchildren, and their posterity. This is a duty and a responsibility.” May 1978 Ensign, pg. 4
I had a friend express to me once what a patient person I was. I was blown
away. Did she not see me at the grocery while I grinned and bore a
screaming chi...
9 years ago
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