Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Just keeping it real...

In honor of Mom blogging I thought I would share a funny about her from the other day. She was warned that I might do this...I have resisted since Saturday! Saturday, I went upstairs and Mom was watching the movie Minority Report...I had forgotten the movie so I sat down to watch with her since Zak was still asleep and since it was nearly noon I just couldn't sleep any more. It got to the part where the gross doctor guy changes his eyes and leaves him alone in the filthy apartment. Do you all remember the part where he goes to eat the sandwich, but grabs a disgustingly moldy who-knows-what instead and spits it out? Well I did so I turned my head towards Mom who was totally engrossed in the show, which is NOT normal, she typically is playing a little hand held game or doing some Sudoku or reading or sleeping...NOT watching the movie. After watching her instead of the movie for a minute I understood why!!! She was so into the movie that when he spit out the yucky food she suddenly started to spit out saliva until I burst out laughing and she realized what she had done. We laughed so hard that we woke Zak up downstairs and have been laughing about it ever since...even if Mom is completely embarrassed! Mom...I love you!!! Thanks for telling me that I could share your embarrasing moment with the world even when I know you would have prefered it staying between us!

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