I've often wondered if a person could make their own microwave popcorn bags. Yesterday I found out that they can. Here's a recipe I found. Just think of the savings you can have with this one. Teach your children to make it too. Try it tonight as you gather your family together and play games.
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3:
1. Put 1/4 cup popcorn in a brown paper bag. Fold top over a few times and tape it.
2. Place in microwave folded side up for 2 to 3 minutes or until there is 5 seconds between pops.
3. Eat plain or add flavors (such as salt, butter, sugar, etc.)
Can use a tsp. of olive oil & 1/2 tsp. of popcorn salt.
Note: If the folds are tight, no tape or staples are needed. If you do not use oil, you can reuse the bag.
I had a friend express to me once what a patient person I was. I was blown
away. Did she not see me at the grocery while I grinned and bore a
screaming chi...
9 years ago
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